
My attempts at cooking, baking and sharing those experiences with you.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ice Cream Alternative

What if I told you that there was an ice cream that is gluten free, dairy free, has around 100 calories per serving, and, could infact be considered healthy?

Annnd what if I told you that there was only one ingredient and you don't need an ice cream maker to make it?

I know, I may sounds crazy. But see, I have a problem.

It's ice cream.

I love a lot. Especially in the summer. But it's not too good for me. Or you, for that matter. So when I found this alternative, I was very skeptical, but willing to try anything that would satisfy my ice cream cravings.

So, what's the one ingredient, you may ask?

Bananas. Rippen bananas, actually.

So here's what you do: Cut 2-4 (approx 2-4 servings) ripen bananas into little wheels as seen. Then place banana in freezer for 2-3 hours.

Once frozen, you'll need a food processor to do the rest. 

Process your bananas on low. This may take a little while, and you may need to scrape down the sides a few times, but after a few minutes you will get the texture you want. 

Here's the fun part! While this is a one ingredient recipe, you can also add some fun things. I added about a tablespoon of Nutella to mine. Yes, it decreases the health factor a bit, but it's still better than ice cream.

Spin it a few more times to mix in the nutella, it should look like soft serve!

So right as I was finishing up this 'ice cream' recipe, Shawn walks in. I ask him to try it and he loves it! Then I ask him to guess what's in it. He had NO CLUE.

You could also mix in almond butter  or peanut butter, which would give it a nice kick of protein and keep you full. You could also mix in chocolate chips, strawberries or blueberries, caramel, vanilla extract, even vanilla wafers and marshmallow fluff to make banana cream pie!

Cute, huh?

Place it in the freezer to get a firmer ice cream. I can't wait to get into this again!

Has anyone else tried this before? Any other ideas for mix ins? 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Cat Picnic and Discontentment


A few weeks ago, my lovely (er, handsome?) husband spoke on the subject. You can listen to that sermon, here.

The ironic thing is, lately, that is how I have been feeling. Maybe it's just that I've been restless since things have slowed down after graduation, vacation, weddings, mission trip, and I'm now in this "waiting period" before I start my job on the 23rd. Even so, there's still this need to "do" something or "buy" something constantly running though me.

So on Saturday, I decided to have a "cat picnic." No, I didn't eat our cat.

Wait, let me back up. First, I have to clarify that we put our cat on a leash. Yes, we are those people. Our cat is an indoor cat, and we live right next to a main road, so we do leash our cat when she's outside. Anyways....

So back to my picnic. I decided to put our cat on her leash next to a blanket that I laid out in the yard. I thought it'd be so cute to have a snuggly place to enjoy the one non sweltering day of the weekend.

When, alas, Sidney did not sit down, and in fact walked as far away from the blanket as her leash would allow...

So that was annoying. But it got me thinking about her leash and how it relates to discontentment. See, her leash can be extended. So sometimes I'll just leave her outside with a little bit of leash to run around on. Eventually, she tries pulling herself as far as she can go, and then meows because she's unsatisfied.

On this day, I had her leash at it's fullest extent, and she was still discontented. She still wanted to go further, whether it was chasing a butterfly into the woods or watching 'her daddy' repair his bike. Even though she was getting way more freedom than she normally does, she was still meowing and pulling herself to show she was unhappy.

Sometimes I'm like that. No matter where my "leash" is at (whatever the status God currently has me residing in) I am always pulling it a little further, trying to get more, do more. Somehow I am never satisfied.

So while I was laying in the grass on a blanket I started laughing about how silly I was acting like our pet cat, feeling that I needed more than what was currently provided me.

The truth is, I am so incredible blessed. I have the best husband I could ever ask for, great education, family, friends, I'm about to start a new job, and all of our expenses are met. What else could I ask for or need?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Skin Care for 20 Somethings

What better way to expand my blog than to write about skin care, right?

Totally random, I know, but it's something that I've been thinking about lately. No, I don't sit around and day dream about skin care, but it is important! I'm 25 (going on 26 this year) and every once in awhile I get this overwhelming fear of getting wrinkles. I know, it may seem shallow, but I guarantee every female thinks about this at some point!

Anyways, here's the on going dilemma. What really works? How do I afford it when I'm on a budget? What's really necessary?

From what I've read, the key to fighting aging in your 20's is MOISTURE. Keeping your skin from drying out is crucial to fighting wrinkles. In your 20's your skin slows down the process of producing the natural oils and whatnot that keep it youthful and that's when cracks can appear.

So, here's what I use (for normal to combination skin). It's all super affordable and I think keeps my skin pretty awesome.

(Going left to right)

  • Equate (Walmart) Microdermabrasion Exfoliating Face Towelettes ($6 for 120 wipes): I'm not a fan of Walmart. But, these are the most affordable and best-working make remover wipes I have found. Up until I got married, I never took my makeup off a night. *gasp* I know, a huge no-no for skin care. If you're anything like me, you know that at night you are typically too tired to go through a long facial cleaning process. These are super cheap and easy. Plus, I love the added texture they have that allows you to really scrub everything off.
  • Equate Daily Regenerating Cleanser ($3.97): This is the generic version of Olay Regenerating Cleanser. I use this in the shower, and I like it because it has somewhat of an exfoilator in it but doesn't dry out your face. Plus the salicylic acid accelerates cell turnover, which helps you look 'youthful' I suppose. And it's a lot more affordable than Olay.
  • Olay All Day Moisturizer with Sunscreen (around $8): Remember how I said moisture is imperative to fighting aging? This is where it starts. Before putting on makeup in the morning, this is my go to moisturizer. It's simple, light weight, not greasy, plus has an SPF, which is VITAL to protecting skin. I find a bottle this size will last me 4-6 months. 
  • Freeman Clay Mask Avocado and Oatmeal ($3.99): I was looking for a good face mask, and this is what all the reviews I read recommended. It's super affordable but definitely cleans out your pores and leaves your skin super smooth. I use this once a week to 2x a month (depending on need). 
The clay mask not only cleans but also works for scaring your husband! :)
  • Boots Expert Sensitive Hydrating Serum (at Target, around $6.50): Not only is it important to moisturize during the day, but also at night. I use this after taking off my makeup every night. It's light weight and leaves my skin smooth and happy in the morning. 
  • Nalgene Water Bottle ($10): Water. The most important way to moisturize your body. Whether I'm home all day or on the go, I have this by my side. I have several water bottles, but I like this one right now because it shows me how much I'm drinking. 2 of these babies equals the daily recommended water intake. 
Well, that's it. Anyone have any other products you highly recommend? 

Neglect and New Beginnings

Oh, blog world, how I've neglected you. If you were a pet fish, you'd have died months ago. If you were an exercise bike, you'd be dusty-and I overweight.

But I was thinking about you today, and how I miss this tiny outlet in my life. I can offer excuses (food blogs aren't helpful to those attempting to tone up, I was busy finishing school, out of the country for over 2 weeks) but...I won't. ;)

While I was thinking about this blog I was wishing there was a way to combine my love for food with my love for other things. Expanding my blog beyond just my love for food and opening it up to travel, fashion, thrifty spending, crafty-ish things (not which I am the best of), and most importantly, inspiring thoughts from my own head.

On July 23rd I am beginning a new path as it is, starting my career in counseling as a Family Based Therapist. I am excited for the transition from student to employee, but I am aware that with this transition I will need, more than ever, a creative outlet.

So, I am setting out to attempt this expansion. It will be a slow and gradual change, and I can't guarantee what it will look like, so bare with me. :)

Saphire Beach, St. Thomas

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Pistachio Cupcakes with Pistachio Swiss Meringue Buttercream Icing

So it appears that I have committed the ultimate blogging crime. Establish a dedicated group of followers by blogging regularly, and then falling off the face of the earth. I always said I wouldn't do that, and, alas, I did. :( I apologize for my negligent care of my blog. The reason I haven't blogged in almost a month? Well, yes, I was very busy. But beyond that I started realizing that I was beginning to find my blog more of a hassle than I believe it was meant to be. I was blogging to gain followers, to get more comments, to up blog popularity. I spent way too much time critiquing my photos and comparing my food blog to others, that it became an extra stress that I didn't need. But, I'm back. Partially because I'm doing a cooking class at our church tomorrow and need to blog this recipe for that, but also because I kind of miss it. :) While I cannot guarantee 4-5 consistent new posts a week, I can tell you that I hope to be more consistent sharing my creations. And here's one of them:

Pistachio Cupcakes:

This is insanely easy, especially if you are someone who struggles with measurements, as I do. Preheat oven to 350. 1 box of your fav white cake mix, 1 cup of vegetable/canola oil, 1 cup of club soda, 1 3.4 oz box of pistachio pudding (instant), and 3 eggs.

Throw them all in a bowl. Just like that. Looks gross but kinda awesome, doesn't it?

Using mixer, mix until combined. If you want your cuppies to be more green, add additional food coloring while mixing.

Fill cupcake tins 2/3 of the way full.

Bake 15-20 minutes, or until tops are slightly brown.
Cool your cakes! I made 90 of them. I know, I'm ridiculous. My husband agrees.

Swiss Meringue Buttercream:

Okay, while the cupcakes were brainlessly easy, the icing is a little more time consuming. Even so, if you are like me, and super picky about your icing, you may want to venture out. I HATE plan buttercream. It's thick, and I feel like I'm eating straight confectionary sugar and butter. EW. And while I totally prefer a whipped icing-nice and light-I also hate that it has to be refrigerated, and that can be a hassle. So this is sort of the best of both worlds. It's a lighter, fluffier version of buttercream that I can actually enjoy and doesn't have to be refrigerated! 

Prior to starting frosting. You'll need 4 sticks of unsalted butter at room temperature. This doesn't mean pull them out 30 min before starting icing, this means at least 2-4 hours. Cut into tablespoon sized pieces. 
Separate 5 egg whites. Save the yolks for gelato! Or creme brûlée!
Bring medium saucepan to a simmer. In a heatproof bowl combine 5 egg whites, 1 cup plus two TBLS of sugar, and a pinch of salt. Whisk constantly until mixture is warm to touch and not grainy.

Ingredients prior to whisking 

Ingredients after whisking. Warm, smooth, and slightly frothy. 

Attach bowl to mixer fitted with a whisk attachment. Start on low, gradually working up to medium-high speed. Whisk until mixture is fluffy and glossy (as pictured) and stiff peaks begin to form. 

Turn mixer on medium-low speed and gradually add in a few tablespoons of butter at a time. Allow butter to incorporate before adding additional butter.

After fully incorporated, don't freak out if your mixture looks like cottage cheese! It'll get better, I promise. :)
Add box of pistachio pudding mix and almond extract. Remove whisk attachment and put on paddle attachment. 

Put mixer on low for 2-4 minutes to allow everything to incorporate. Icing will start looking more like icing!

Here's what it will look like! Light and fluffy but definitely workable. 
Add icing to piping bag or zip lock bag, snip off the end like so.

If you want to get fancy, take some pistachios (please shell before, people don't want to eat shells)

Place 'stachios in a food processor (or you can put em in a plastic bag and hammer them, that's always fun!)

Chop them up! Be careful not to pulverize them, you don't want 'stachio dust!

Here's the 'stachio cuppies for my cooking class. Well, some of them. Like I said, I made 90 altogether.  Just in time for St. Patty's day!
Didn't this frosting turn out gorgeous? Oh my, this isn't a pic from a cook book, I am proud to say I took this myself!

So here's the recipes:

Pistachio Cupcakes

1 box of white cake mix
1 3.4 oz box of instant pistachio pudding
1 cup of club soda
1 cup of vegetable/canola oil
3 whole eggs

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients and beat until combined (approx. 3 minutes on low setting). Pour batter into cupcake tins and bake for 18-22 minutes. Yield approximately 24 cupcakes.

Pistachio Swiss Meringue Buttercream Icing
5 large egg whites
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
Pinch of salt
1 pound (4 sticks) unsalted butter, cut into tablespoons, room temperature
1 1/2 teaspoons almond extract
1 3.4 oz box of pistachio pudding

Combine egg whites, sugar, and salt in the heatproof bowl of a standing mixer set over a pan of simmering water. Whisk constantly by hand until mixture is warm to the touch and sugar has dissolved (the mixture should feel completely smooth when rubbed between your fingertips).

Attach the bowl to the mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Starting on low and gradually increasing to medium-high speed, whisk until stiff (but not dry) peaks form. Continue mixing until the mixture is fluffy and glossy, and completely cool (test by touching the bottom of the bowl), about 10 minutes.

With mixer on medium-low speed, add the butter a few tablespoons at a time, mixing well after each addition. Once all butter has been added, whisk in almond extract and box of pistachio pudding. Switch to the paddle attachment, and continue beating on low speed until all air bubbles are eliminated, about 2 minutes. Scrape down sides of bowl with a flexible spatula, and continue beating until the frosting is completely smooth. Keep buttercream at room temperature if using the same day, or store in refrigerator up to 3 days.

(Optional) To tint buttercream, reserve some for toning down the color, if necessary. Add gel-paste food color, a drop at a time (or use the toothpick or skewer to add food color a dab at a time) to the remaining buttercream. You can use a single shade of food color or experiment by mixing two or more. Blend after each addition with the mixer (use a paddle attachment) or a flexible spatula, until desired shade is achieved. Avoid adding too much food color too soon, as the hue will intensify with continued stirring; if necessary, you can tone down the shade by mixing in some reserved untinted buttercream. Yields 5 cups of icing, approximately enough to cover 48 cupcakes.

So, these cupcakes are a sure win to impress your friends. They may be hesitant, feeling that pistachio-related foods are just for the elderly, but you will soon prove them wrong. Make these for St. Patrick's Day, and you won't even need food coloring! These babies are perfect for early spring. And if you feel that the icing is too much of a challenge, you can easily buy store bought icing. Try chocolate icing!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentine's Day Devils Food Cupcakes

So I promised the "evil" portion of my valentine's desserts today. Well, I hate to say these are evil, but they are a chocolate lover's weakness, to say the least. This makes about 32 cupcakes. You can always half the recipe if you'd like. But you do get a bunch!

These are Martha Stewarts. She get's all credit here!

Start with your ingredients: cocoa powder, 3/4 cup hot water, 3 cups of all-purpose flour, 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 1/4 tsp salt, 3 sticks of butter, 2 1/4 cups sugar, 4 large eggs, 1 tablespoon plus 1 tsp pure vanilla extract, 1 cup sour cream.
Preheat oven to 350. Combine hot water and cocoa powder, whisk until smooth.

In another bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt.

Melt butter and sugar over medium-low heat.

 Remove from heat, and pour into a mixing bowl. With an electric mixer on medium-low speed, beat until mixture is cooled, 4 to 5 minutes. Add eggs one at at time (not whole as it looks like I'm doing in photo).

Add chocolate mixture and vanilla, beat until combined.

Then add half of the flour mixture, half of the sour cream, then the remaining flour mixture and the remaining sour cream. 

Mix until just combined.

Fill up cupcake tins about 3/4 full. 

Bake approximately 20 min. Allow to cool.

Here's my marshmallow cream. SOOOOO tasty! All it is: 1 cup of marshmallow fluff and 1 stick of room temp. butter cut into tiny pieces. Beat until butter is well incorporated.

Here's where I wasn't thinking. It really would have been best to fill these guys from the bottom, since I was doing a chocolate ganache. Be smart and don't make this mistake!

Ok, now for the ganache. Place 1 bag of semi sweet or dark chocolate chips in a bowl. Heat 2 cups of heavy cream in a small saucepan just until it starts to boil. Pour over chocolate and let it sit about 5 minutes. Then slowly mix chocolate...

Until it looks like this.

See why it's better to fill cupcakes from the bottom?

Dip cakes into ganache, allow them to drip free of excess chocolate.

Here's what your cupcakes will look like!

Now, if you want to make it v day appropriate, take some white chocolate melts and melt them down. Use a pastry bag with a fine tip to make little hearts. This is sort of difficult, that's why my hearts looks like a first grader did them. It may be easier just to buy heart-shaped candy to go on top.

Here's mine! Yours will look better because you won't make the mistake of filling them from the top. 

The sour cream add a nice tanginess to the flavor, and I LOVE marshmallow cream. Definitely a chocolate lovers dream.

Martha Stewarts Devil's Food Cupcakes


  • 3/4 cup unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder
  • 3/4 cup hot water
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons coarse salt
  • 1 1/2 cups (3 sticks) unsalted butter
  • 2 1/4 cups sugar
  • 4 large eggs, room temperature
  • 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 cup sour cream, room temperature
  • Chocolate Ganache Frosting
  • Chocolate Curls, for decorating (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line standard muffin tins with paper liners. Whisk together cocoa and hot water until smooth. In another bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt.
  2. Melt butter with sugar in a saucepan over medium-low heat, stirring to combine. Remove from heat, and pour into a mixing bowl. With an electric mixer on medium-low speed, beat until mixture is cooled, 4 to 5 minutes. Add eggs, one at a time, beating until each is incorporated, scraping down sides of bowl as needed. Add vanilla, then cocoa mixture, and beat until combined. Reduce speed to low. Add flour mixture in two batches, alternating with the sour cream, and beating until just combined after each.
  3. Divide batter evenly among lined cups, filling each three- quarters full. Bake, rotating tins halfway through, until a cake tester inserted in centers comes out clean, about 20 minutes. Transfer tins to wire racks to cool 15 minutes; turn out cupcakes onto racks and let cool completely. Cupcakes can be stored overnight at room temperature, or frozen up to 2 months, in airtight containers.
  4. To finish, use a small offset spatula to spread cupcakes with frosting.
Marshmallow Cream Filling:

1 Stick of room temperature butter
1-1 1/2 cup marshmallow fluff

Cut butter into 1/2 inch pieces. Combine fluff and butter, beat until butter is well incorporated. Pipe into the bottom of cupcakes, or cut holes in the bottom and add filling.

Here's Martha's Chocolate Ganache recipe. I sort of doubled it.