
My attempts at cooking, baking and sharing those experiences with you.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ice Cream Alternative

What if I told you that there was an ice cream that is gluten free, dairy free, has around 100 calories per serving, and, could infact be considered healthy?

Annnd what if I told you that there was only one ingredient and you don't need an ice cream maker to make it?

I know, I may sounds crazy. But see, I have a problem.

It's ice cream.

I love a lot. Especially in the summer. But it's not too good for me. Or you, for that matter. So when I found this alternative, I was very skeptical, but willing to try anything that would satisfy my ice cream cravings.

So, what's the one ingredient, you may ask?

Bananas. Rippen bananas, actually.

So here's what you do: Cut 2-4 (approx 2-4 servings) ripen bananas into little wheels as seen. Then place banana in freezer for 2-3 hours.

Once frozen, you'll need a food processor to do the rest. 

Process your bananas on low. This may take a little while, and you may need to scrape down the sides a few times, but after a few minutes you will get the texture you want. 

Here's the fun part! While this is a one ingredient recipe, you can also add some fun things. I added about a tablespoon of Nutella to mine. Yes, it decreases the health factor a bit, but it's still better than ice cream.

Spin it a few more times to mix in the nutella, it should look like soft serve!

So right as I was finishing up this 'ice cream' recipe, Shawn walks in. I ask him to try it and he loves it! Then I ask him to guess what's in it. He had NO CLUE.

You could also mix in almond butter  or peanut butter, which would give it a nice kick of protein and keep you full. You could also mix in chocolate chips, strawberries or blueberries, caramel, vanilla extract, even vanilla wafers and marshmallow fluff to make banana cream pie!

Cute, huh?

Place it in the freezer to get a firmer ice cream. I can't wait to get into this again!

Has anyone else tried this before? Any other ideas for mix ins? 

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