
My attempts at cooking, baking and sharing those experiences with you.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Cat Picnic and Discontentment


A few weeks ago, my lovely (er, handsome?) husband spoke on the subject. You can listen to that sermon, here.

The ironic thing is, lately, that is how I have been feeling. Maybe it's just that I've been restless since things have slowed down after graduation, vacation, weddings, mission trip, and I'm now in this "waiting period" before I start my job on the 23rd. Even so, there's still this need to "do" something or "buy" something constantly running though me.

So on Saturday, I decided to have a "cat picnic." No, I didn't eat our cat.

Wait, let me back up. First, I have to clarify that we put our cat on a leash. Yes, we are those people. Our cat is an indoor cat, and we live right next to a main road, so we do leash our cat when she's outside. Anyways....

So back to my picnic. I decided to put our cat on her leash next to a blanket that I laid out in the yard. I thought it'd be so cute to have a snuggly place to enjoy the one non sweltering day of the weekend.

When, alas, Sidney did not sit down, and in fact walked as far away from the blanket as her leash would allow...

So that was annoying. But it got me thinking about her leash and how it relates to discontentment. See, her leash can be extended. So sometimes I'll just leave her outside with a little bit of leash to run around on. Eventually, she tries pulling herself as far as she can go, and then meows because she's unsatisfied.

On this day, I had her leash at it's fullest extent, and she was still discontented. She still wanted to go further, whether it was chasing a butterfly into the woods or watching 'her daddy' repair his bike. Even though she was getting way more freedom than she normally does, she was still meowing and pulling herself to show she was unhappy.

Sometimes I'm like that. No matter where my "leash" is at (whatever the status God currently has me residing in) I am always pulling it a little further, trying to get more, do more. Somehow I am never satisfied.

So while I was laying in the grass on a blanket I started laughing about how silly I was acting like our pet cat, feeling that I needed more than what was currently provided me.

The truth is, I am so incredible blessed. I have the best husband I could ever ask for, great education, family, friends, I'm about to start a new job, and all of our expenses are met. What else could I ask for or need?

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