
My attempts at cooking, baking and sharing those experiences with you.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Detox Day 2: What We Ate

 Day 2. That means we made it through day one! Yippie!!

Actually, being that we aren't strictly just doing fruits and veggies but are allowing for some whole wheat stuff and yogurt, it's been much easier than I thought. I've been feeling full and have a decent amount of energy.

Here's what I ate:

Breakfast (not pictured): 1 cup of greek yogurt with a sprinkle of flax seed and dried cranberries, one banana, and a cup of green tea (p.s. I didn't drink one of my smoothies this AM because I was feeling a little yucky when I woke up. But I read that's normal with a detox. Feeling much better now!:))

Here's lunch: Half a whole wheat pita, a cup of spinach and 6 slices of cucumber with a hummus spread

You could add tomato, onion, or bell pepper if you wish :)

You'll need some protein to get you until dinner (or you can take this as a snack for in between!) I ate some dried fruit and mixed nuts

Dinner: Now, I didn't get home tonight until 6:30, so Shawn was on his own for dinner. I'll admit, I had a little bit of fear that he might cave without my support, but he did pretty good! He even was thoughtful enough to take pictures for my blog. What a guy. :)

You'll need: 2 stalks of celery, 2 cans of tomato (one not pictured), 1 onion, 2 Zucchinis, 1 cup diced carrot, 1 can of northern beans (or other white bean), 2 garlic cloves (not pictured), 1/4 cup of uncooked pasta (whole wheat), 1 tsp dried basil, 1/4 tsp dried oregano, 1/8 tsp ground pepper, 3 cups organic vegetable stock

Chop up everything

Heat oil in large pot over medium-high heat, Add chopped onion and sauté for 4 min

Add water, zucchini, carrots, canellini beans, celery, basil, oregano salt, pepper, tomatoes and garlic. 
Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer on medium-low heat for 25 minutes, stirring occasionally

Add macaroni, cover and cook additional 10 min

Super hearty, awesome flavor! I'm proud of my little chef! :) Here's the original recipe, plus/minus a few changes.

Snack time! You know you can just eat dinner and be okay until tomorrow morning. Maybe you can, but I can't. I opted for some plain, air popped, popcorn. I used our jiffy popper, but you could do this on the stove too. Just be sure to buy a plain bag of kernels, none of that bagged and buttered stuff. 

Instead of salt, add another spice. I added a tablespoon of olive oil (to add some stickiness for the spice),  and cayenne pepper because I like it hot!

Doesn't that look nice? I ended the night with some calming herbal tea.

Not bad, huh? If we can do it, anyone can. Seriously. We will see what tomorrow brings..... 

1 comment:

  1. you two are awesome! you are giving me inspiration to eat healthy-er!
    love the blogging and very proud of shawn for keeping up with it...
