
My attempts at cooking, baking and sharing those experiences with you.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Marketing, Motivation, and Recycling

 I didn't know how to title this post. But I promise it will encompass all of the above.

Believe it or not, but it is almost the end of January and Shawn and I are still attempting to eat healthy(er).

Also, marketing. What about Marketing? Well I believe a part of staying motivated to eat better can be done by marketing healthier foods to yourself.

What are two basic marketing techniques that every consumer consciously/subconsciously looks for? Appeal and access. Does it look pretty and/or fun? And how easy is it to get or to do?

If it's easy and hot, we want it. So do stupid boys, but don't get me started on that!

But one way to market healthy foods to yourself is by having them in places you frequent (easy access). Such as on your kitchen counter instead of in your pantry. Also, instead of having a bunch of bags of food sitting out, why not use something a bit more attractive and organized.

A lot of times you'll see the decorative glass containers that will hold your snacks for you, and those are great, but they cost money. I have a more affordable option....

What does Giada have to do with this? Well, nothing at the moment. Oh, and this pasta sauce is 'off the hook' as some would say. You can buy it at Target. Look at my marketing skills, helping Giada make a few dollars on my blog. Ok, sorry. ANYWAYS, a cheap/easy way for storage is by using empty glass containers. You can recycle old pasta jars, jelly jars, canning jars..the options are endless, really. 

I have some pretty mason jars I wasn't using, so I added them to the mix. 

I ran my Giada jar under warm water to loosen the glue and the paper came right off. The I added my, ahem, healthy snacks. Yes, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, and....yes....peanut M&Ms. I know, I know, I'm not helping the cause, but I needed to store them. They were soon replaced, anyways, as you'll see below.... 
Also, if you're using a mason jar, you can easily remove the center and screw the lid back on for easy access during a party or what have you! A nice way to share, huh? (Not my idea, I saw it on Pinterest)

See? I put my popcorn in it and added a bow to make it pretty!! Great way to gift.

See, you can market things to yourself. You could even go a step further and decorate the jars in eye catching colors or something. Regardless what you do, I guarantee that if you make those less desired foods look more desirable and easier to access, you will me MUCH more likely to consume them. 

Try it and let me know how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. you are so awesome! I have been reading lately about recycling/repurposing containers.....

    btw - creamer containers are my project right now - lots of uses (thanks to p. coffey)
