
My attempts at cooking, baking and sharing those experiences with you.

Monday, January 9, 2012

End of Detox: What We Ate

 So, we are done our detox. I should've updated sooner, but I've been super busy!

But I decided to do one last post to show you what we ate on our last day.

How have we been doing since? Pretty good! We allowed ourself some "food fun" (that's really corny, I know. Forgive me) Over the weekend, but we've been able to allow for a little spurge here or there without totally going off track. And I think that's what it's all about, right?

To the left are the ingredients to my morning smoothie last week, one banana, one of my frozen smoothie packs, a couple tablespoons of greek yogurt and 2 tablespoons of flaxseed.

Here's how she turned out. Very delish! I'm actually craving one while I type this..Hmm...

Okay, okay. Before you say "EW!" Let me tell you what's in this. This was my brunch before work last thursday. It consists of a cup of greek yogurt, 1/2 cup or so of plain oats, a sprinkle of dried cranberries, and a sprinkle of sunflower seeds. This was super delicious and very filling! 

I took a snack with me, because I knew I'd get hungry at work, and coming home ridiculously hungry only ends up in overeating. So I tupperware of one whole wheat pita (sliced) and two tablespoons of garlic hummus. Also, an apple (not pictured). FYI, if you eat this at work, take some tic tacs. I would have destroyed clients with my breath if I hadn't brought them along! 

For Dinner: A salad. And this was the only actual salad we had while on our on detox! So we weren't sick of them and actually enjoyed this. There's 2 cups of baby spinach, 7 or so slices of cucumber, a few slices of tomato, half a green pepper, a sprinkle of feta cheese, and a sprinkle of sunflower seeds.  We used a vinegar-based salad dressing. 

I LOVE sunflower seeds on a salad. They add so much texture and flavor, don't knock it 'til you've tried it!

So if you're going to have a salad for dinner, yes, you are going to be hungry for a snack later. I did popcorn again but I wanted something sweet, instead of my usual cayenne. 

So I drizzled honey over my air popped corn...

....and then sprinkled cinnamon over it.

Tastes better than Christmas!!!

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