
My attempts at cooking, baking and sharing those experiences with you.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Healthy Granola Bites

Confession time. Yes, I love baking. But sometimes I also hate it. And the time of the year I despise it the most is right after Christmas.

During the holidays, I'm full of Christmas spirit and that comes out in my baking (and blogging). But, afterwards, I've done so much that I'm sick of it.

To the point it causes me pain, literally. Being 5'11, the average countertop is a bit too short for me. So spending hours leaning over a counter or stove leave my back a hot mess. To the point I have to take a lovely trip to my chiropractor.

So, not only does a detox allow my body some time to recover, it also allows me the downtime I need to recover from my overindulgence in baking, to the point I actually come around to wanting to do it again. So that is where I find myself today. Ready to bake!


These are a healthy alternative snack, to cookies or something of the like. Preheat your oven at 325. Start with: 2 cups of plain rolled oats, 1/4 cup of ground flaxseed, 1/4 cup of wheat germ, 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds, 1/4-1/2 cup of nuts, 1/2 cup-1 cup of dried cranberries or other dried fruit, 1/3 cup of dark chocolate chips, 1/2 cup of peanut butter (chunky or smooth), 1/4 cup of honey, 1 tsp cinnamon. These measurements don't have to be exact, and if you don't have wheat germ or flaxseed don't worry about it. 

Decided to pull out my processor for this one...Mwahaha. I need to chop up my nuts and chocolate, so I use a multipurpose blade to start. 

You can use any nuts. Or none. I had a variety pack left over from Christmas I needed to use. Perfect for this.

Ohh it's so pretty and quiet. I love kitchenaid. :)

I think that's pretty good. You can do them smaller if you'd like. 

I switched my blade for a dough mixer attachment, so it will combine and not dice anything, then I added the 2 cups of oats

Add flax seed and wheat germ

Okay, I messed up! I remembered that I wanted to use left over dark chocolates that needed to be crushed a bit. So I emptied the above ingredients into a bowl for the time being, and processed my chocolate. You won't do this because you're going to think of this first or use regular chocolate chips, right?

I reattach my blade and crush my chocolates like so...

I reattach my dough mixer attachment, then I add all the ingredients back into the processor, and proceed to add 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds while on low

Add 1/2 cup-1 cup dried cranberries or other dried fruit.

I add 1/2 cup of peanut butter. You may say, "hey, that's fatty!" Well, you're going to be spreading the calories out among 48 little bites, so 1/2 cup won't kill you. Plus peanut butter is high in protein and will help you stay full longer. But, if you want, you could do almond butter or something of the like instead.

Add 1/4 cup of honey. You'll need more most likely. You want a nice consistency that's not going to be too dry but will help keep all your ingredients together. 

I decided to add about a teaspoon of cinnamon. 
Here's what it should look like!

Scoop down the sides, and make sure there isn't any dry granola. Make sure everything is at least kind of moist. 

I decided to use my new mini muffin pan to make these cute and bite-sized. If you don't have one, just use a regular baking pan and cut them after they have baked into rectangles (like regular granola bars) or squares would be fun too. I won't recommend a regular muffin pan because I think they'd be too big and too much to eat. I used a tablespoon measurement to get the right amount for my mini muffins. 

Spray non-stick pan with Pam, or rub down with olive oil. Scoop granola into pan. If it feels like it's falling apart, add more honey. **Remember: if you like your granola more soft and chewy, add more honey. If you like it more crisp and crumbly, add less honey.**

Look how nice?

Bake at 325 for 15-20 minutes or so, until granola has browned just a bit on top. Your granola bites will be a little soft still, but let them cool and they will harden up a bit. 

Look at these guys! Aren't they cute??

Almost makes me wish I had kids to give this to as an afternoon snack (keyword, ALMOST). 

Tons of flavor, tons of healthy stuff inside. And very filling! I think it's a nice alternative to cookies, don't you?

That gave me an idea! My mother-in-law bought me this cat cookie jar for Christmas. Shawny may be a bit disappointed when he looks inside and doesn't see Oreos, but his waist size will thank me later!!

"Meow Meow!" (That means go and try these, now)

Okay, so if you don't have a food processor you can totally still make these. Just combine everything into a large bowl and stir. You may have to use your hands some to get the honey and everything combined, but a little messiness won't hurt you. 

Here's where I found the original recipe. I added/changed a few things, but it's the same for the most part. I got exactly 48 mini muffins out of mine, using the tablespoon sized portions. Baking times will vary if you use a regular 8x8 or 9x13 baking pan.

Happy (healthy) eating!! :)


  1. Miss Carlie - you're always thinking of something different. I would LOVE to try just one of these little muffins!
    'your follower' Laura

  2. Carlie, I am enjoying your food blog! I made these granola bites and we loved them! My only issue was they were crumbly and did not hold together well. Any advice?

  3. Hi Teri! Thanks for the feedback! You must have neeeded to add more honey. I noticed the ones that were more moist going into the oven stayed together better than those that were a little dry. Make sure they are nice and moist next time, and that should help. :)
