
My attempts at cooking, baking and sharing those experiences with you.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sophisticated Popcorn

So on Monday I told you about our brilliant breakfast experience at Yolk. Today, I'm going to share another recipe inspired by our Chicago trip. 

On the last day we spent in the Windy City, we visited Grahamwich. Grahamwich is this cute little sandwich shop that Shawn really REALLY wanted to go to. So much so that we traveled through a rainstorm to get there. Yeah, ridiculous.

One of our favorite foods from this shop was their popcorn. Now, Chicago is well known for it's popcorn. I'm not sure why, but it is. But Graham Elliot decided to take good popcorn to the next level. I'm calling it sophisticated popcorn. Why? Well, I'll tell you:

Notice anything 'sophisticated?' Black truffle oil. It's not cheap, and most would hesitate to put it on popcorn. This little bottle could go for upwards of $15! Want to know my cheap secret? TJMaxx Homegoods. They had it for $5. That's a bargain for sure.  You could also use white truffle oil if you wanted. If you don't want to make the splurge and can't find a decent deal, you could use grape seed oil, walnut oil, or garlic oil. You can even totally omit it, if you have to. 

Finally chop your chives. You want about 2 tablespoons. Chives are awesome, they provide a great oniony flavor in such small green. 

Pop your corn! I love our popcorn maker. :) You could do them over the stove, though.

Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil while popcorn is still warm to help ingredients to stick. Then add 1/4-1/2 tsp of truffle oil. A little goes a long way! Add chives, cheese, and salt and pepper. 

Look at that. Incredible flavor. The truffle oil adds this distinct earthy, nutty flavor that quickly becomes addicting. The cheese and chives also add to the addiction factor, and you'll soon find yourself polishing off a whole bowl. 

So, for the Super Bowl, take regular brown bags and fold the edges down and fill with this stuff. Your guests will definitely be impressed!

Sophisticated Popcorn (inspired by Grahamwich popcorn)


*1/4-1/3 cup of popcorn kernels 
*2 Tbl of olive or vegetable oil
*1/4-1/2 tsp of truffle oil (can substitute grape seed oil, or garlic oil)
*1/2 cup of Parmesan or Romano Cheese, finely grated
*2 Tbl of fresh chives
*sea salt and pepper (to taste)


Chop chives and grate cheese (if necessary).

Pop popcorn kernels using popcorn maker or over the stove.

As soon as popcorn is done (while warm), add 2 tablespoons of olive oil followed by 1/4-1/2 tsp of truffle oil, mixing popcorn well so that it becomes lightly coated.

Add cheese, chives, and salt and pepper.

Serve to your friends and watch them be impressed by your fanciness. :)

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